(Resolved) Posts Not Showing on WordPress

(Resolved) Posts Not Showing on WordPress

Are your Posts Not Showing on the WordPress website?

One of my students asked me why his website is not showing his posts.

I helped him in setting up his first WordPress website. So, I was aware of some of the settings we changed on his website.

I asked him to send me a screenshot of his WordPress General settings.

The reason behind WordPress not showing up his posts on the website is:

In WordPress Reading settings, he selected Home as the Static page of the website, but for the posts page, he didn’t select any page. Here is the screenshot

Remember! If you are setting Your homepage displays as A Static Page, then you have to select a page for your Posts page to display.

Create a Page for Posts to Display

I asked him to create a page with the name Blog and select Blog as a posts page in Reading settings.

All your posts will be displayed on the Blog page of your website.

The other thing I asked him to do is,

Go to Menu and add the Blog page in the Primary Navigation menu.

If you don’t know how to add a primary menu on the website you can read my post on how to add a navigation menu to your website.

After, adding the Blog page to his primary menu, his website is showing posts on the Blog page.

Similarly, if you have set your home page as a static page, then you have to select any one of your pages as a posts page, otherwise, you won’t able to display your posts on your WordPress website.

If you have set Your Homepage displays as Your Latest Posts, then you don’t have to set the Posts page.

How to Install WordPress in Hostinger 2024(Updated)

How to Install WordPress in Hostinger 2024(Updated)

If you don’t know How to Install WordPress on Hostinger then this article is for you only. Today in this post I will tell you the step-by-step procedure to install WordPress on Hostinger easily.

For the past 3 years, I have been using Hostinger for websites that I create, and the websites for my Students.

There are many hosting providers out there, but not all of them are affordable, secure, and offer great customer support. If you’re on a budget and looking for the best overall value, Hostinger is a great option.

If your budget is tight and you need the best Hosting service then Hostinger is for you.

If you haven’t purchased Hosting yet and you want to create a WordPress Website then go for Hostinger’s WordPress plans. Because if you purchase WordPress hosting then your Hosting will be WordPress optimized.

How to install WordPress on Hostinger (Urdu Video)

Believe me! it is dead easy to install WordPress on Hostinger.

The first step is to Visit the Hostinger website for WordPress Hosting plans (you can different hosting plans too, but for WordPress users, this plan is well optimized)

Now after visiting the WordPress website, compare different Hosting Plans available at the Hostinger website. So, for installing WordPress as discussed WordPress Hosting is the best option. Now, look for the plans best suitable for you. If you are a beginner and have a low budget then You can simply go for Premium Plan. It starts from Rs. 149/- only.

Don't forget to Read and Compare the Features of each plan .
Managed WordPress Hosting Plan Hostinger

Click on the “Add to Cart” button, and you will be taken to the billing page. You can see different Monthly Pricing for different periods. If you are going for 4 Years of Hosting then You will be charged Rs. 149 monthly and a Free domain For a Year.

If you are going for a 12-month (i.e., 1 year) plan then you will be charged Rs. 239/- per month and it will be billed annually.

Now, let’s imagine You have just purchased WordPress Hosting from Hostinger, and you got a FREE DOMAIN too. Now you want to install WordPress.

Yes You will get a Free Domain and SSL certificate with Hostinger Premium and the above Plans

Hostinger plans

So, after purchasing Hosting from Hostinger, you will be redirected to a Landing Page from Where You Start Your Journey to start WordPress (as shown below)

WordPress installation in Hostinger

Click on the Start Now button, then you will be redirected to a page where Hostinger will ask you “Who are You creating the Website for?” There will be 3 non-mandatory options

  1. I’m creating it for myself
  2. I’m creating it for someone else and
  3. I already have a website
installing wordpress on hostinger

Just click on “Skip, I don’t want personalized experience” or select anyone option if you want.

In this case, I have selected the first option. Now the next page will ask you the following question “Who is Creating the Website?”.

steps on how to install wordpress on hostinger

As said above, it is also not a mandatory question. Hostinger just wants to give you a personalized experience. You can skip this step too or select one of the options (as shown below)

installing wordpress

In this, I have selected the first option “I’m building it myself”. Now the next page will ask you “Which type of website do you want to build?” There is a bulk of options like

  1. Online Store
  2. Blog
  3. Business
  4. Portfolio
  5. Other
  6. Skip

You can skip this step if you haven’t decided what type of website you want to build yet. Hostinger will offer suggestions later based on your choices.

The next page will ask you “Do You need help building your Website?” Just click on Skip or No Thanks and go forward.

installing wordpress steps

Now here comes where you will install WordPress on Your Domain in Hostinger. The next page will be on Creating a WordPress account. Here you have to fill in your WordPress administrator email and Administrator password.

connecting domain

 Remember this email and password will be used to directly login to WordPress from the WordPress login page.

Now click Continue, and you will be redirected to a page where Hostinger will suggest some important plugins. You can install them by clicking on checkboxes or you can Click Skip to go to next page.

default plugins installation in hostinger

When you skip to the next page. Here Hostinger suggest some themes based on the answers you gave in the previous steps. If you want you can select anyone or just skip to go to the next page.

default theme installation in hostinger

Now here you have to select your domain name. If you have a Free domain with your plan, you will get the Claim domain option (instead of Choose a domain). And the other option is to Use an existing domain.

naming website

In our case, we will Choose/Claim a Domain. Click on Select.

We’re almost there! Take a moment to review your details before finalizing the setup. The options are

finishing wordpress setup in hostinger
  1. Your server Location
  2. Your Domain Name
  3. Installed CMS i.e. WordPress
  4. Admin email address

After verifying the details click on Finish Setup to finish the installation of WordPress on Hostinger.

Now you can either Edit Your Website or Manage your Site.

wordpress website ready hostinger

If you click on Edit Website, then it will redirect you to WordPress Dashboard. If you click on Manage Site, then you will be redirected to the Hostinger dashboard.

wordpress dashboard

As we walk you through each stage, we hope this tour was educational and useful. We made every effort to keep things as easy as possible.

By the time you finish reading this post, we hope you will understand the significance of WordPress and how to use it without the assistance of a professional.

Now that we have reached the end of the piece, it is time to conclude. We’ve covered the simplest method for installing WordPress on a Hostinger account in this post.

However, feel free to ask any questions you may have in the comments section below if you have any questions about this WordPress installation tutorial on Hostinger.

Suggested Readings: How to install WordPress on subdomain in Hostinger?

How to Create a Subdomain in Hostinger (2024)

Do you want to create a subdomain in Hostinger? Read on!

You are running a website on Hostinger with a domain name and now you want to create a subdomain for your website. If you are a newbie and don’t know what a subdomain is then we will discuss it first.

If you don’t know Hostinger, then check out Hostinger WordPress Plans

What is a Subdomain?

Subdomain is an extension to your domain name structure and it comes before the domain name. Basically, subdomains are created to organise different parts of your website. Subdomains are prefixed to the main domain name.

Suppose, your domain name is example.com and you want to create a subdomain for it with the name blog. So, the subdomain will be blog. example. com.

Now, let’s create a subdomain for your website in Hostinger.

Steps to create a subdomain in Hostinger

1. Login to your Hostinger Account

As you all know, you must log in to your Hostinger account to create a subdomain. When you log in, then you will be redirected to Your Hostinger Dashboard where you can manage all your Hostinger Websites, domains, and subdomains.

Once you log in, you will be redirected to your Hostinger Dashboard Home page.

creating a subdomain in hostinger

2. Click on Manage

Click on the Manage button to manage your websites. You will be redirected to your Hosting section. Here you will get 2 menus. One is the top menu, where Hosting is active or selected, and the other one is the left sidebar menu. In the left sidebar menu, Dashboard is highlighted or selected.

3. Go to Domain Section

Scroll down and click on Domains on the left-hand menu. Select the domain name from the dropdown menu (if you have multiple domains on your Hosting) for which you want to create a subdomain.

create subdomain in hostinger
creating subdomain in hostinger

4. Click on Subdomains

After selecting the domain name, click on the Subdomain tab as shown in the figure.

5. Enter the name of the subdomain

After navigating to the subdomains section. You will get an empty text box, followed by your domain name. Enter the name of your subdomain and Click on Create.

Note: You will find a “Custom Folder for Subdomain” checkbox. If you want a Custom folder for your subdomain then check that box. Otherwise, leave it empty. and click on Create.

entering name of subdomain in hostinger

If you want to have a custom folder for the subdomain, then check the box and enter the custom name for the subdomain folder.

creating subdomain with sub folder in hostinger

Hurray! You have successfully created a subdomain in Your Hostinger.

Now, as you have successfully created a subdomain in Hostinger, the next step is you have to install WordPress in the subdomain.

So, to install WordPress in the subdomain, you have to navigate to your main domain, and then Click on WordPress Overview as shown.

installing wordpress on hostinger subdomain

Then select the subdomain from the dropdown on which you want to install the WordPress.

installing wordpress on subdomain hostinger

3. Install WordPress in the Subdomain

You will be redirected to a page where the title will be “WordPress Installations“. In that, click on Install WordPress.

Install WordPress

Then you will be redirected to a page where you have to fill in the admin details like administrator email ID and password for installing WordPress. Don’t forget to give your Website a Title.

website credentials

In the next step, you have to select Application Version and Application Language. Select the language you want and then Click on Install.

Installing WordPress on subdomain

How to Uninstall WordPress from Hostinger 2023

How to Uninstall WordPress from Hostinger 2023

Do you want to Uninstall WordPress from Hostinger? As you know Hostinger is one of the best WordPress Hostings. Now, If you have installed WordPress in it, and now because of some issues you want to uninstall WordPress from Hostinger. Then follow these steps.

Backup your Website:

Before uninstalling WordPress from your hosting, it is always a good practice to back up your WordPress data. If you want data back in the future, then you can restore it from the backup. We will discuss how to back up your WordPress in our other posts.

How to uninstall WordPress from Hostinger

Uninstalling WordPress is very easy.  Here we will discuss one of the easiest ways to uninstall WordPress from hpanel of hostinger.

Steps of uninstalling WordPress from Hostinger?

1. Login to  your Hpanel

2. Go to Hosting

3. Select the Website from which you want to uninstall WordPress (Click on Manage)

4. Scroll Down and Click on  Auto Installer

how to uninstall WordPress from Hostinger

5. Click on the 3 dots on the right-hand side of the website from which you want to uninstall WordPress.

Login == > hpanel == > hosting == > Select Website == > Auto Installer == > 3 Dots  == > Delete

uninstalling wordpress from hostinger

To uninstall WordPress, you need to log in to your hosting account. (In our case, the hosting provider is hostinger). After logging in, click on hosting and then select the website whose WordPress you want to uninstall.

Then scroll down, and click on Auto Installer in the Website section. You will find your website’s URL. Then click on the 3 dots that are on the right-hand side of the website URL. Then click on Delete. A pop-up will be shown with checkboxes

  • Delete Application
  • Delete installation files
  • Delete Database

If you just want to delete the WordPress Application then Select Delete Application. If you want to delete the Application as well as Database then Check the boxes delete the application and Delete Database. If you also want to completely delete other installation files, then check also delete installation files box.

By this, you will completely delete the WordPress from your website.

On the top right corner, You will see a notification “WordPress Application  was uninstalled successfully.”

successfully uninstalled wordpress from hostinger

You have 6-10 seconds to undo this. If it is by mistake then you can undo the uninstallation of WordPress.

Now if you want to install WordPress back. Then you can read step by step guide to install Hostinger on WordPress


In this, we learned how to uninstall the WordPress Application from hostinger.

If you find this article helpful, then like and share it with your family and friends. If You have some feedback, then do comment. So that we can improve our blog.

Fix the WordPress 500 Internal Server Error within Seconds in Hostinger

Fix the WordPress 500 Internal Server Error within Seconds in Hostinger

Today while updating themes and plugins on my page. I just installed and activated the Monarch plugin from Divi.

After activating the plugin, my website went down and I got this message: “There has been a critical error on this website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.

500 internal server error on wordpress

All my focus now was to get my website back and running, so I opened the website in other browsers and checked whether I was getting this message only.

My bad! literally, my website has some critical issues.

Then I visited my Hostinger Dashboard, and Click on the little chat button on the right-hand side.

I used this chat, many times and they solved my problems very quickly. But today something new hit my mind and I wrote this article.

What Happened today, when I clicked the chat box, it redirected me to Hostinger’s Help page, where by default Hostinger AI Assistant suggested me that your website is affected by 500 Error.

It was written there, to seek Hostinger AI assistant to resolve this error.

As I panicked, I clicked to seek Hostinger AI Assistant, and I didn’t take a screenshot of it either (for this post).

After seeking Hostinger AI assistant help, it analysed the whole website and showed me the root problem of this error within seconds. The message displayed was this

fixing 500 internal server error using Hostinger AI Assistant

It shows me the real problem, that one of my new plugins is generating this problem. And the assistant asks me to deactivate the plugin.

I clicked on the button “Fix my website” and within seconds, the AI Assistant of Hostinger deactivated the plugin and fixed my problem.

Within seconds I got my website working. Thanks to Hostinger, they have updated technologies to help their clients.

There are tons of articles on the topic “How to Fix the 500 Internal Server Error on Your WordPress”. But for a website owner like me, the first thing I need is to recover my website from these failures.

Suggested Readings

  1. How to Start a Blog
  2. How to Start an Online Store
  3. How to Install WordPress in Hostinger
How to Start an Online Store in 2024? step by step

How to Start an Online Store in 2024? step by step

Do you want to start your online store? We are aware that starting an online store can be extremely daunting, particularly for non-techies.

Well, you are not alone. Today, We decided to write a comprehensive guide to start your online store easily with WordPress (step by step)

What do you need to Start an Online Store?

This is the best time to start your online store.

If you have a computer and internet connection, you can set up your online store in a few minutes. you need not to have technical skills to set up your Online Store.

Only 3 Things you need to open an Online store

  1. A Good Domain Name
  2. A Good Web Hosting
  3. 25 minutes of undivided attention

Yes, you read it right, your dedicated 25 minutes will help you set up your Online Store. We will walk you through each step.

In this guide, we will cover

  1. Setting Up an Online Store Platform( Web Hosting and domain)
  2. Setting up WordPress on Domain
  3. Setting Up Woocommerce Store
  4. Adding Products to Online Store
  5. Install & Customize Theme for Your Online Store
  6. Setting Up Payments for Online Store
  7. Increasing the Functionality of Your Online Store through Plugins
  8. Learning WordPress to Grow Your Online Store

Now, let’s dig deep into the topic

Step 1: Setting Up an Online Store Platform( Web Hosting and domain)

One of the biggest mistakes most users make is not choosing the right platform to set up their online store.

There are 2 Big names in the run of setting up an online Store. Shopify and Woocommerce.

Shopify will set you up your Online Store but it might be expensive to you as a new store setup, as well as Payments methods are limited unless you pay additional charges. Whereas Woocommerce, the World’s Largest eCommerce platform, is FREE to install and most of the basic functionalities are FREE.

In this guide, We will guide you through the steps of setting up your Woocommerce website.

To set up eCommerce store, you need to have a Domain Name, Web Hosting and SSL Certificate installed

A domain name is the name of your website like google.com, allwp.in, facebook.com etc. It is what users type to visit your online store.

A good user name should have 2 words. One word is your business name and the other one is Your business. You can brainstorm domain names and check for the names available.

Webhosting is the place where your websites are available online. It is just like Land you purchase for building your house.

SSL certificate is the mandatory certificate to have on each website nowadays. It adds security to your website and users’ data. It encrypts all the details the user entered on your website. So, it’s a must-have certificate nowadays. and as you receive online payments, it is mandatory for you to have an SSL certificate on your online store.

Normally a Domain Cost Rs. 1000 per year, Hosting Cost Rs. 899 per month and SSL Certificate Cost Rs. 4999/- per year.

That too much cost to start building your Online Store. Thanks to Hostinger (The best affordable & WordPress Hosting) all these things you will get for only Rs. 269 per month.

Hostinger is one of the best web hosting companies, that is suggested by industry leaders for web hosting like Neil Patel, Digital Deepak and others. So, for cheap and best you have to choose Hostinger.

Let’s Go ahead and Purchase WordPress Hosting for your Online store and you will get Domain and SSL for Free.

Visit Hostinger in the new window, or use our link to visit Hostinger.

how to start online store

The first thing you have to click is the blue button with the text “Claim Deal“. You will be redirected to the Pricing page of different WordPress Plans Here you have to check and go with the Rs. 269 per month Plan i.e., Business Plan

Click on the Add to Cart button, and you will be redirected to the billing page where you will see different pricing as per the period you selected.

If you are running the online store, then it’s your business that will earn for you, and at the same time you want to run it long. So, the best option is to select a 48-month plan. But if you have a tight budget in the start you can go for 12 months plan.

Select the period according to your budget. Then fill up the details and purchase the hosting by clicking Submit Secure Payment.

After successfully purchasing your web hosting, Hostinger will redirect you to a Page from Where you can install WordPress on Hostinger and claim your Free Domain. Follow this guide to install WordPress on Your website.

It’s an easy process, just you have to answer some basic questions and create Your WordPress account by writing your Admin email address, and Admin Password. You can complete it within 5 to 6 minutes.

2. Setting up WordPress on Domain

In the previous step, Hostinger automatically installed WordPress on your Domain name. Not only WordPress but also it installed and activated the SSL certificate on your WordPress Hosting.

First, you need to go to General Settings in Your WordPress Dashboard Settings >> General. You can update your Site Title, and Tag line here. The most important setting in case of security is https. By default, it will be http, you have to change it to https. See the image below.

After adding Site Title, and Catchy tag line, and changing WordPress URL & Site Address to https scroll down and click on Save button to save the settings.

Step 3: Setting Up Woocommerce Store

When it comes to Online Store setup then Woocommerce is the best Online Store builder. Woocommerce gives WordPress’ flexibility and you can sell any type of product online.

To install Woocommerce to your WordPress simply Go to Plugins, Click on Add New and Search Woocommerce.

WordPress Dashboard >> Plugins >> Add New >> Woocommerce

WordPress will show the listings with WooCommerce name, Click on Install Now button on the listing with WooCommerce name as shown in the figure above.

WordPress will download WooCommerce Plugin on your server. After successful installation, Click on Activate button to Activate WooCommerce plugin on Your WordPress site.

After activation, you will be redirected to a page where you will see Welcome to WOO. This is the WooCommerce setup wizard through which you can easily setup your Online Store.

Now Click on “Set up my Store” button to start setting your Online Store.

WooCommerce Setup Wizard explanation

Which One of These Best Describes You?

The first question on your Woocommerce setup wizard is “which one of there best describes you?” It gives three options as shown in the figure

As we are starting our Online Store for the first time, I am selecting the first option “I’m Just starting my business“. After selecting the first option click on Continue button.

2. Tell us a bit About Your Store

After the first step, the next step in the WooCommerce setup wizard is you have to fill up the basic details of your business here. Like Online Store name, Business industry, Location, email address

After filling up the details Click on Continue to move on. Look! there is a check box just above the Continue button, if you want to Opt-in for tips, recommendations etc from WooCommerce then check it, else leave it.

3. Get A boost

In the next step, WooCommerce suggests you some plugins to install and they are not mandatory but they are useful, if you want then installed them else uncheck all and go forward. Here we are installing all those plugins, and if we don’t want we can uninstall the plugins. If you don’t know how to uninstall a Plugin then here is the complete tutorial on how to uninstall a WordPress Plugin.

It will take some seconds to install the 4 plugins.

After installing the plugins suggested by WooCommerce, here Jetpack will ask you to connect your store to WordPress.com. If you have WordPress.com then you can connect it easily. It is not a mandatory step, you can just Click on No, Thanks button at the top right corner.

I clicked the No, Thanks button. Now WooCommerce setup wizard will take me to the WooCommerce Plugin section where I have to give my Store details.

Now WooCommerce asks you to follow some steps to Start Selling quickly.

4. Adding Products to Online Store

I. Add Products to Sell

Here in the first step, it asks you to add Products to sell, and when you click on the Add Products option it will redirect to a page where it asks you the type of products you are selling. Whether it is a Physical Product or Digital Product etc as shown below

It asks you “What Product do you want to Add”. Here as I have selected my businesses as Clothing, I am selecting Physical Products

When you select a Physical Product you will be redirected to a page “Add New Product” where you have to fill up the details of your Product.

Here you have to fill in the following details of your Product

  1. Name
  2. Summary
  3. List Price
  4. Sale Price
  5. Description
  6. Product Images

Note: List Price is the actual price and Sale Price is the price after discount. It will be displayed like this.

All these details you filled in the basic details of your Product before clicking the “Add” button on the top head towards the “Organisation” tab.

In the organization tab, you have to add the Attributes and Categories of your Product.

Categorizing Your Product is very important, you have to categorise your products.

To Add a New Category click on the dropdown list beneath Categories, and click on “Create New“. And name the Category. For example, in our case the category we created is Shirts.

Note: We can create Categories separately, we will discuss it later.

Now, you can set and update Price of the product in Pricing Tab, and you can manage inventory i.e. whether the product is in stock or out of stock in Inventory tab.

The Shipping details and Variation details regarding your product can be added in the shipping and variations tab respectively.

To add your product to your online store click on ADD button on the top right-hand side.

Hurray! you have successfully added your product to Your Online Store

Go and Check your Product. It will give you immense pleasure, that you have done it. It should be looking somewhat like this.

Give a pat on your back and start the next step.

Choose Theme For Your Store

Now as you have Added the FIRST Product to your Online Store. Now, the next step is Choosing a Theme for your Online Store. Navigate to WooCommerce section in WordPress Dashboard. It will ask you to Choose Theme.

Click on Choose Theme, and you will be redirected to Theme Section where you can select any theme that suits your business. Installing theme is a very easy process in WordPress. You can learn here how to install a Theme in WordPress.

Whether you installed a New Theme or just you go back to the Woocommerce section again. Now, you have to setup your Payment method on your Online Store which is very important when you are running online store.

Setting Up Payments for Online Store

Now, from WooCommerce section in WordPress Dashboard, then next step we have to do is Setting up Payments for Online Store.

When you click on set up payments, you will be redirected to a page where you have to select a payment provider. There are bulk of options available like Stripe, Razorpay, PayU for WooCommerce, and other offline payment options like Direct Bank Transfer or Cash on Delivery.

I suggest do some research and select a payment provider for your online store. You can check for the best payment gateways for online payments in woocommerce.

Do thorough research and use one of the best one. For Indian users Razorpay and Instamojo are also a good option.

You will have more online payment settings in Woocommerce Settings tab. Once you install a Payment Gateway plugin you can visit here and setup online payment option.

So, consult any online Payment Gateway like Razorpay, Instamojo etc and enable them on your website. Likewise tie up with logistics companies for shipping your products to your customer through out India.

Now, you have to learn more about Online Store to take your store to the next step.

Learning WordPress to Grow Your Online Store

To take your Online Store to next step, you have to learn more about WordPress and Woocommerce. In this,your best friends will be Google and Youtube. But you have to consult or read from trusted resources. In this case you can learn WordPress from

  1. Allwp.in
  2. Wpbeginner
  3. wpengine
  4. Hostinger

Learn, Implement on your Store and grow. If you need any assistance you can contact us