(Resolved) Posts Not Showing on WordPress

(Resolved) Posts Not Showing on WordPress

Are your Posts Not Showing on the WordPress website?

One of my students asked me why his website is not showing his posts.

I helped him in setting up his first WordPress website. So, I was aware of some of the settings we changed on his website.

I asked him to send me a screenshot of his WordPress General settings.

The reason behind WordPress not showing up his posts on the website is:

In WordPress Reading settings, he selected Home as the Static page of the website, but for the posts page, he didn’t select any page. Here is the screenshot

Remember! If you are setting Your homepage displays as A Static Page, then you have to select a page for your Posts page to display.

Create a Page for Posts to Display

I asked him to create a page with the name Blog and select Blog as a posts page in Reading settings.

All your posts will be displayed on the Blog page of your website.

The other thing I asked him to do is,

Go to Menu and add the Blog page in the Primary Navigation menu.

If you don’t know how to add a primary menu on the website you can read my post on how to add a navigation menu to your website.

After, adding the Blog page to his primary menu, his website is showing posts on the Blog page.

Similarly, if you have set your home page as a static page, then you have to select any one of your pages as a posts page, otherwise, you won’t able to display your posts on your WordPress website.

If you have set Your Homepage displays as Your Latest Posts, then you don’t have to set the Posts page.

How to Install WordPress in Hostinger 2024(Updated)

How to Install WordPress in Hostinger 2024(Updated)

If you don’t know How to Install WordPress on Hostinger then this article is for you only. Today in this post I will tell you the step-by-step procedure to install WordPress on Hostinger easily.

For the past 3 years, I have been using Hostinger for websites that I create, and the websites for my Students.

There are many hosting providers out there, but not all of them are affordable, secure, and offer great customer support. If you’re on a budget and looking for the best overall value, Hostinger is a great option.

If your budget is tight and you need the best Hosting service then Hostinger is for you.

If you haven’t purchased Hosting yet and you want to create a WordPress Website then go for Hostinger’s WordPress plans. Because if you purchase WordPress hosting then your Hosting will be WordPress optimized.

How to install WordPress on Hostinger (Urdu Video)

Believe me! it is dead easy to install WordPress on Hostinger.

The first step is to Visit the Hostinger website for WordPress Hosting plans (you can different hosting plans too, but for WordPress users, this plan is well optimized)

Now after visiting the WordPress website, compare different Hosting Plans available at the Hostinger website. So, for installing WordPress as discussed WordPress Hosting is the best option. Now, look for the plans best suitable for you. If you are a beginner and have a low budget then You can simply go for Premium Plan. It starts from Rs. 149/- only.

Don't forget to Read and Compare the Features of each plan .
Managed WordPress Hosting Plan Hostinger

Click on the “Add to Cart” button, and you will be taken to the billing page. You can see different Monthly Pricing for different periods. If you are going for 4 Years of Hosting then You will be charged Rs. 149 monthly and a Free domain For a Year.

If you are going for a 12-month (i.e., 1 year) plan then you will be charged Rs. 239/- per month and it will be billed annually.

Now, let’s imagine You have just purchased WordPress Hosting from Hostinger, and you got a FREE DOMAIN too. Now you want to install WordPress.

Yes You will get a Free Domain and SSL certificate with Hostinger Premium and the above Plans

Hostinger plans

So, after purchasing Hosting from Hostinger, you will be redirected to a Landing Page from Where You Start Your Journey to start WordPress (as shown below)

WordPress installation in Hostinger

Click on the Start Now button, then you will be redirected to a page where Hostinger will ask you “Who are You creating the Website for?” There will be 3 non-mandatory options

  1. I’m creating it for myself
  2. I’m creating it for someone else and
  3. I already have a website
installing wordpress on hostinger

Just click on “Skip, I don’t want personalized experience” or select anyone option if you want.

In this case, I have selected the first option. Now the next page will ask you the following question “Who is Creating the Website?”.

steps on how to install wordpress on hostinger

As said above, it is also not a mandatory question. Hostinger just wants to give you a personalized experience. You can skip this step too or select one of the options (as shown below)

installing wordpress

In this, I have selected the first option “I’m building it myself”. Now the next page will ask you “Which type of website do you want to build?” There is a bulk of options like

  1. Online Store
  2. Blog
  3. Business
  4. Portfolio
  5. Other
  6. Skip

You can skip this step if you haven’t decided what type of website you want to build yet. Hostinger will offer suggestions later based on your choices.

The next page will ask you “Do You need help building your Website?” Just click on Skip or No Thanks and go forward.

installing wordpress steps

Now here comes where you will install WordPress on Your Domain in Hostinger. The next page will be on Creating a WordPress account. Here you have to fill in your WordPress administrator email and Administrator password.

connecting domain

 Remember this email and password will be used to directly login to WordPress from the WordPress login page.

Now click Continue, and you will be redirected to a page where Hostinger will suggest some important plugins. You can install them by clicking on checkboxes or you can Click Skip to go to next page.

default plugins installation in hostinger

When you skip to the next page. Here Hostinger suggest some themes based on the answers you gave in the previous steps. If you want you can select anyone or just skip to go to the next page.

default theme installation in hostinger

Now here you have to select your domain name. If you have a Free domain with your plan, you will get the Claim domain option (instead of Choose a domain). And the other option is to Use an existing domain.

naming website

In our case, we will Choose/Claim a Domain. Click on Select.

We’re almost there! Take a moment to review your details before finalizing the setup. The options are

finishing wordpress setup in hostinger
  1. Your server Location
  2. Your Domain Name
  3. Installed CMS i.e. WordPress
  4. Admin email address

After verifying the details click on Finish Setup to finish the installation of WordPress on Hostinger.

Now you can either Edit Your Website or Manage your Site.

wordpress website ready hostinger

If you click on Edit Website, then it will redirect you to WordPress Dashboard. If you click on Manage Site, then you will be redirected to the Hostinger dashboard.

wordpress dashboard

As we walk you through each stage, we hope this tour was educational and useful. We made every effort to keep things as easy as possible.

By the time you finish reading this post, we hope you will understand the significance of WordPress and how to use it without the assistance of a professional.

Now that we have reached the end of the piece, it is time to conclude. We’ve covered the simplest method for installing WordPress on a Hostinger account in this post.

However, feel free to ask any questions you may have in the comments section below if you have any questions about this WordPress installation tutorial on Hostinger.

Suggested Readings: How to install WordPress on subdomain in Hostinger?