How to Update Jannah Theme in WordPress

How to Update Jannah Theme in WordPress

Do you want to update Jannah Theme manually?

I have Jannah Theme by Theme Forest installed on one of my client’s websites. When I wanted to update the theme in a regular Format from WordPress Dashboard, I got an error. Then I researched and found these steps helpful for updating the Theme manually.

Steps for Updating Jannah Theme Manually

1. log in to your Theme Forest Account

2. Go to Downloads by clicking your Profile pic on the top right-hand side as shown in the figure.

3. Your Purchased Themes will be available there

4. Click on the Download button beside Jannah Theme

5. Download the “Installable WordPress file” from there

6. Now log in to Your WordPress Dashboard

7. Go to Themes from Appearance

8. Click on Add New from the Top

9. Now Click on the Upload Theme Button, you will get the option of uploading the Theme in WordPress

10. Upload the “updated Jannah Theme” Zip file from your desktop

11.  WordPress will automatically detect the existing theme and will give you the option to “Replace Active with uploaded” version.

12. So Click on the “Replace Active with Uploaded” button

13. Your Theme will be updated successfully.

Note: It is a good practice to back up your database and files before updating the Theme

How to Migrate from to in 2023?

How to Migrate from to in 2023?

How to Migrate from to

Do you want to migrate from to Then go through the complete article. 

I had my Web portal hosted with, and I have been running it since 2019 on

Why WordPress.Org, not

In the beginning, I was using only but due to a lack of support from the hosting provider and website slowed down. Out of the blue, I switched to

First I purchased WordPress Premium Plan because in free plan you don’t even get a Plugin for your website. 

The very next year I updated my website to the Business plan, with more access to plugins and themes compared to the Premium plan. 

As I was running a web directory, I am getting a lot of traffic, and my plan is quite enough for it but it was expensive. 

Meanwhile, I came to know about Before I don’t know the difference between and

Then, I started researching the top Hosting Providers for WordPress Shared hosting

At that time, many of the blogs voted for Hostinger as one of the best and cheapest WordPress Shared Hosting. 

As I was designing websites also as a freelancer on a short note. 

I got one of my clients for Website designing. While working on my Web Portal, I was much more familiar with WordPress. And by running the Web portal I got the client. 

So, I was aware that is costly. That’s why I started making the website on 

So, I selected the Business WordPress plan for Hostinger

Afterwards, I created many websites on WordPress.Org.

Till now I don’t have the confidence, to merge my Web Portal from to 

But this year, in the month of May, my plan was ending. 

So, I again started researching how to transfer my Web portal from to 

Someone suggested Bluehost, as they have a support team, that does the work for me. 

But I was familiar with Hostinger and they have one of the best support teams. (reasons are coming) 

Migrating from to 

For migrating the Website from, I have to transfer my domain also, because my domain was also from 

So, from Hostinger I request for Transfer of an existing Domain

I was redirected to a page where I have to give the domain name which I want to transfer, with some important notes, for me. 

I entered my domain name and click on Transfer then I got an error message Domain is Locked and Cannot be Transferred. With a friendly message, This Domain is Locked, please unlock the domain at the current provider and try again

Migrate from to Hostinger

This error is a new thing for me to learn. I googled the error and came to know how to unlock the domain on 

How to Unlock Domain in in 2023? 

To unlock the domain in, you have to follow these steps

  1. Go to WordPress Dashboard
  2. Click on Upgrades on the left-hand sidebar
  3. Go to Domains
  4. You will see your domain name, 
  5. Click on Transfer Your Domain 
  6. In the advanced option, click on the Transfer lock on the toggle button to unlock Your Domain
  7. Then Click the Get Authorization Code button. 

The authorization code will be mailed to you on your registered email id with your account. And this authorization code will be asked on Hostinger or any other service provider, to you are transferring your domain. 

After successfully unlocking my domain from, I returned to Hostinger and again requested Transfer Domain

Yay! This time my domain name was available for transfer. 

The next thing I have done was paid the domain registration amount. 

After successful payment, the next screen asked me to enter the Authorization Code

As mailed me the authorization code, I just copied it and paste it here. 

Then I got the confirmation email from Hostinger. 

How to Migrate from to Hostinger in 2023? 

Now, how to transfer from to Hostinger

For migrating websites, I learned that I have to install and activate the All in One Wp Migration Plugin, on both the old and new hosting accounts. If you don’t know how to install and activate Plugin, read the post on how to install a Plugin in WordPress.

So I installed it on, and my transferred domain also. 

How to Export Data From WordPress using the All In One WP Migration plugin?

After activating the Plugin, I opened my (old host) dashboard and navigated to All in One Wp Migration on the left-hand sidebar. 

WordPress Dashboard >> All-in-One Wp Migration >> Export

Next, I clicked on Export To, and a drop-down opened, and I selected File Option from the drop-down menu. 

After that, the Plugin retrieve all my WordPress files and prompted me to download .wpress file

The size of my Web Portal WordPress data was 7 GB. I downloaded all the data to my desktop. 

How to Import Data to New Host using All in One Wp Migration Plugin? 

Now I have to upload the whole downloaded file to my new host. 

I logged in To Hostinger and opened my Web Portal new Hosting account. 

As I already installed and activated the All in One Wp Migration Plugin, I navigated to Plugin in my WordPress dashboard and clicked on import

All in One Wp Migration >> Import

Then I clicked on Import From, a drop-down menu opened as before, and I selected File from the drop-down menu. Then it opened a dialogue box, and I selected the exported .wpress file from my desktop. 

It’s started importing but suddenly, I shocked, because, while importing the Plugin displays Your File is More than 128 MB. And it asks me to increase WordPress’s maximum file upload size. 

Suggested Reading: How to Export All WordPress Media Files

How to Increase WordPress Maximum File upload size All in One Wp Migration? 

I searched the ways to increase WordPress’s Maximum file upload size, and read and tried the ways like modifying the .htaccess files, configuring PHP functions etc. 

But all these methods didn’t work for me. 

Strong Hostinger Support Team 

When I was stuck and did not get any support from online searches. Then, I contacted Hostinger Live Support. 

They helped me a lot with every error I was getting. I don’t have the words to appreciate their support. Any time I mailed them, I got a reply within minutes from them. 

Now in my case, after listening to my query and problem they asked me to back up my data using the All In One WP Migration Plugin. And then I should upload it to File Manager Beta, in my new hosting. 

I backed up my data and uploaded it to File Manager in Hostinger. 

Then, I mailed them, that I completed my work of backing up data and uploading it to the File Manager. 

They replied to me with smiling faces and they transferred all my data to my new Hostinger Hosting.

Wait!! this was the beginning of my queries to them. Because, after uploading all the data, as usual, I was getting image optimisation errors like Thumbnails, Featured images not showing up. 

First, they only tell me about this error and asked me to back up data again and then re-upload the new backup. 

I did that also but the issue didn’t resolve. And I was thinking that it will affect my Website ranking. And again mail Hostinger Support. 

They replied and gave me several suggestions, but sadly many of them didn’t resolve my issue. 

Resolving the Broken Image /Thumbnails issue

Then, They asked me to Install and Activate Regenerate Thumbnails and then Go to Tools>> Regen. Thumbnails and Click on Regenerate All Thumbnails

This step solved my issues and my website is looking great as usual. 

I mail them and thanked them for their support. 

But wait, there was a new issue again. 

How to Insert Special Characters in WordPress?

One of my top posts was How to Type Theta Symbol

When I visited my post and saw that instead of Theta Symbol there is a question mark (?) 

I opened my email and mailed Hostinger Support regarding my issue and they informed me that, in you have to use Classic Editor or Install one of the Plugins for using Special Character

I thanked him and informed him that I will disturb him again. They replied with a smiley, and said they were happy to help. 

How to Write Urdu or Arabic in WordPress?

Now, days gone, instantly I saw one of my posts which contains Urdu/ Arabic in some parts. But instead of Urdu Language WordPress is showing question marks (???). As it didn’t recognise the words. 

Again, I contacted Hostinger Support, and they replied to me with a solution to install a Plugin because support other languages with the help of Plugins. 

I thanked them, and read the article regarding multilingual plugins. I didn’t try anyone yet. But definitely do it in 2 to 3 days. 

But in the total process of Migrating my Website from to Hostinger, the Hostinger support team is remarkable. 

And that’s Why I suggest using Hostinger for Website Hosting, especially for WordPress. 


With the help of the All in One Wp Migration Plugin and Hostinger Support Team, I Migrated my Website From to Hostinger safely and securely, without affecting my Search Engine ranking. 

Hope this long article helped you in migrating your website. There are some issues that may occur while you are migrating your website. Feel free to mail me for helping you out in migrating your website from one host to another host. 

If this article helps you, do subscribe to my blog, and like & share it with friends. 

If you have any suggestions, mail me or comment below.